funny pick up lines yahoo

Tell me a funny pick up line story? - Yahoo! Answers.
At a gay bar-"Can I push in your stool?" My dick just died. Can I bury it in your a$$ ? (to a guy) Is that a triple A battery, or are you just happy to see.
Are you retarded? Because you look special to me >:3.
~What has 148 teeth and can hold back the Incredible Hulk? My Zipper. ~Are you an official? Because you just officially gave me a *****! ~Do you.
Funny Original Pickup lines? - Yahoo! UK & Ireland Answers.
Best/funniest pick up lines? - Yahoo! Answers.
funny pick up lines yahoo
What are some really funny pick up lines? - Yahoo! Answers.
This happened at a major Australian University , during a biology lecture. A professor was discussing the high glucose levels found in sem*n.
Funny dirty pick-up lines..... do you know any more - Yahoo!
What are the funniest pick-up lines you've ever heard? - Yahoo.
Whats a funny pickup line to get a girl? - Yahoo! Answers.
What are some unique but funny pick up lines that you know.
"Did u wash ur shorts in Windex, cus I see myself in them." hahahaha Lame!!!
Hello gorgeous, hows you love life?
funny pick up lines yahoo
What are some good funny pick up lines? - Yahoo! Answers.